The limitation of your working memory seems so obvious. Try for example to remember the phone number 202-456-6213 until you finish reading this text. You will notice! When psychologists, however, attempted to measure this capacity limitation, the “magical” number didn’t appear unequivocally. Let’s take a look a some famous inquiries.
In the classic handbook An introduction to psychology (1912), W. Wundt (1832-1920) already observed that
R.S. Woodworth (1869-1962) tried to measure the span of attention. This is how many objects that can be clearly seen, or heard, or felt at the same time. In his monumental work Psychology. A study of mental life (1921), he gave the following example.
Both examples are typical for the decades of research on memory and attention span. In his famous The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information, G.A. Miller (1920-2012) reported also on both phenomena and tried to connect them. He first discussed absolute judgements of uni- and multidimensional stimuli which resembles the attention span of Woodworth. For example, how many tones can you identify by assigning numerals to them? Miller came to the conclusion that you can distinguish about 6.5 categories. We can however identify many more multidimensional stimuli like faces and words. Why it should be easier to identify multidimensional stimuli is left to the imagination of the reader and a small reference to evolution theory (“better to have a little information about a lot of things than to have a lot of information about a small segment of the environment.” ( p. 88-89) . Then Miller continued with the measurement of the span of immediate memory.
Miller remained awkwardly vague about the exact nature of a chunk (“grouping the input into familiar units“) and compared it with recoding, at that time very popular among information theory scientists. For example, you can recode a 20-bit binary number into a 10-item chunk by replacing the four possible combinations “00”, “01”, “10” and “11” with 0,1, 2 and 3. The 20-item binary number 11 01 00 10 10 00 11 00 10 01 becomes then a 10-item chunk 3 1 0 2 2 0 3 0 2 1. By applying more and more sophisticated recoding rules, you can reduce the number of chunks, e.g. recode “000” by 0; “001” by 1; “010” by 2, …
Figure 1. Recoding binary numbers with chunksize = 2
Of course, when we do not know in advance what kind of chunking rules a subject will apply, there is no way to measure the immediate memory span. Ericson et al. (1980) trained a subject S.F. until the limit (?) of 79 decimal digits. Undergraduate student S.F. could only accomplish this after extensive training (more than 230 hours of practice) and by using chunking rules as 3492 = 3 minutes and 49 point 2 seconds, near world-record mile time. Is the memory span of S.F. increased? According to Ericsson et al., it is not.
Baddeley (1994) however challenged this constant chunk-hypothesis by pointing at the word length effect. When you ask a subject to remember a list of words, they typically can recall more words of lists that use short words (e.g. CAT) than long words (e.g. TIGER).
Longer words however could also implicate more chunks. According to Baddeley, this is unlikely but since we do not know the chunking rules it remains a possible explanation. A strong proponent of the constant memory capacity hypothesis is Nelson Cowan. In numerous studies, he comes to the conclusion that our working memory store is limited to 3 to 5 meaningful items (e.g. chunks).
The logic behind Cowan’s reasoning is that, if we can prevent a subject to process the material, for example by presenting the info at the unattended ear, then we have a robust and uncontaminated measure of the naked working memory. But, of course, the rationale for a working memory is precisely the capacity for processing. While it seems very unlikely that a subject would recode (on the fly) a binary number, as Miller proposed, it seems equally unlikely that a subject can refrain from processing while hearing the items “CAT” and “MILK”.